Polar Coordinates

Convert image to or from polar coordinates
Circle depth in percent
name: depth type: double default: 100.00 minimum: 0.00 maximum: 100.00 ui-minimum: 0.00 ui-maximum: 100.00 ui-gamma: 1.00 ui-step-small: 1.00 ui-step-big: 10.00 ui-digits: 2 unit:percent
Offset angle
name: angle type: double default: 0.00 minimum: 0.00 maximum: 360.00 ui-minimum: 0.00 ui-maximum: 360.00 ui-gamma: 1.00 ui-step-small: 1.00 ui-step-big: 15.00 ui-digits: 2 direction:ccw unit:degree
Map backwards
Start from the right instead of the left
name: bw type: boolean default: False
Map from top
Put the top row in the middle and the bottom row on the outside
name: top type: boolean default: True
To polar
Map the image to a circle
name: polar type: boolean default: True
Origin point for the polar coordinates
name: pole-x type: int default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: +inf ui-minimum: 0 ui-maximum: +inf ui-gamma: 1.00 ui-step-small: 1 ui-step-big: 5 sensitive:$middle.sensitive & ! middle unit:pixel-coordinate axis:x
Origin point for the polar coordinates
name: pole-y type: int default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: +inf ui-minimum: 0 ui-maximum: +inf ui-gamma: 1.00 ui-step-small: 1 ui-step-big: 5 sensitive:$pole-x.sensitive unit:pixel-coordinate axis:y
Choose middle
Let origin point to be the middle one
name: middle type: boolean default: True sensitive:polar
name: gegl:polar-coordinates
pads: input output
parent-class: GeglOperationFilter
categories: transform map
position-dependent: true
license: GPL3+
GEGL This page is part of the online GEGL Documentation, GEGL is a data flow based image processing library/framework, made to fuel GIMPs high-bit depth non-destructive editing future.