Exchange color

Exchange one color with another, optionally setting a threshold to convert from one shade to another.
From Color
The color to change.
name: from-color
type: color
default: rgb(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
To Color
Replacement color.
name: to-color
type: color
default: rgb(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
Red Threshold
Red threshold of the input color
name: red-threshold
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: 0.00
maximum: 1.00
ui-minimum: 0.00
ui-maximum: 1.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Green Threshold
Green threshold of the input color
name: green-threshold
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: 0.00
maximum: 1.00
ui-minimum: 0.00
ui-maximum: 1.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Blue Threshold
Blue threshold of the input color
name: blue-threshold
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: 0.00
maximum: 1.00
ui-minimum: 0.00
ui-maximum: 1.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
pads: input output
parent-class: GeglOperationPointFilter
categories: color
license: GPL3+