Channel Mixer

Remix colors; by defining relative contributions from source components.
Preserve luminosity
name: preserve-luminosity
type: boolean
default: False
Red in Red channel
Set the red amount for the red channel
name: rr-gain
type: double
default: 1.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Green in Red channel
Set the green amount for the red channel
name: rg-gain
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Blue in Red channel
Set the blue amount for the red channel
name: rb-gain
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Red in Green channel
Set the red amount for the green channel
name: gr-gain
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Green for Green channel
Set the green amount for the green channel
name: gg-gain
type: double
default: 1.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Blue in Green channel
Set the blue amount for the green channel
name: gb-gain
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Red in Blue channel
Set the red amount for the blue channel
name: br-gain
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Green in Blue channel
Set the green amount for the blue channel
name: bg-gain
type: double
default: 0.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Blue in Blue channel
Set the blue amount for the blue channel
name: bb-gain
type: double
default: 1.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
pads: input output
parent-class: GeglOperationPointFilter
categories: color
license: GPL3+