Color to Grayscale

Color to grayscale conversion, uses envelopes formed with the STRESS approach to perform local color-difference preserving grayscale generation.
Neighborhood taken into account, this is the radius in pixels taken into account when deciding which colors map to which gray values
name: radius
type: int
default: 300
minimum: 2
maximum: 6000
ui-minimum: 2
ui-maximum: 1000
ui-gamma: 1.60
ui-step-small: 1
ui-step-big: 100
Number of samples to do per iteration looking for the range of colors
name: samples
type: int
default: 4
minimum: 1
maximum: 1000
ui-minimum: 3
ui-maximum: 17
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 1
ui-step-big: 5
Number of iterations, a higher number of iterations provides less noisy results at a computational cost
name: iterations
type: int
default: 10
minimum: 1
maximum: 1000
ui-minimum: 1
ui-maximum: 30
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 1
ui-step-big: 5
Enhance Shadows
When enabled details in shadows are boosted at the expense of noise
name: enhance-shadows
type: boolean
default: False
pads: input output
parent-class: GeglOperationAreaFilter
categories: grayscale color