Render Path

Renders a brush stroke
Fill Color
Color of paint to use for filling, use 0 opacity to disable filling
name: fill
type: color
default: rgba(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.600)
Stroke Color
Color of paint to use for stroking
name: stroke
type: color
default: rgba(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
Stroke width
The width of the brush used to stroke the path
name: stroke-width
type: double
default: 2.00
minimum: 0.00
maximum: 200.00
ui-minimum: 0.00
ui-maximum: 200.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 1.00
ui-step-big: 10.00
ui-digits: 2
Stroke opacity
Opacity of stroke, note, does not behave like SVG since at the moment stroking is done using an airbrush tool
name: stroke-opacity
type: double
default: 1.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Hardness of the brush, 0.0 for a soft brush, 1.0 for a hard brush
name: stroke-hardness
type: double
default: 0.60
minimum: 0.00
maximum: 1.00
ui-minimum: 0.00
ui-maximum: 1.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
Fill rule
How to determine what to fill (nonzero|evenodd)
name: fill-rule
type: string
default: nonzero
SVG style description of transform
name: transform
type: string
Fill opacity
The fill opacity to use
name: fill-opacity
type: double
default: 1.00
minimum: -2.00
maximum: 2.00
ui-minimum: -2.00
ui-maximum: 2.00
ui-gamma: 1.00
ui-step-small: 0.00
ui-step-big: 0.10
ui-digits: 3
A GeglVector representing the path of the stroke
name: d
type: path
pads: input output
parent-class: GeglOperationFilter
categories: render vector