Hello world
The following is a small sample GEGL application that animates a zoom on a mandelbrot fractal. compile it with:
$ gcc hello-world.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags gegl` -o hello-world
This example and others can be found in the examples subdirectory of the GEGL source tree.
#include <gegl.h> #include <glib/gprintf.h> gint main (gint argc, gchar **argv) { gegl_init (&argc, &argv); /* initialize the GEGL library */ /* license for this application, needed by fractal-explorer */ g_object_set (gegl_config (), "application-license", "GPL3", NULL); { /* instantiate a graph */ GeglNode *gegl = gegl_node_new (); /* This is the graph we're going to construct: .-----------. | display | `-----------' | .--------. | crop | `--------' | .--------. | over | `--------' | \ | \ | \ | | | .------. | | text | | `------' .------------------. | fractal-explorer | `------------------' */ /*< The image nodes representing operations we want to perform */ GeglNode *display = gegl_node_create_child (gegl, "gegl:display"); GeglNode *crop = gegl_node_new_child (gegl, "operation", "gegl:crop", "width", 512.0, "height", 384.0, NULL); GeglNode *over = gegl_node_new_child (gegl, "operation", "gegl:over", NULL); GeglNode *text = gegl_node_new_child (gegl, "operation", "gegl:text", "size", 10.0, "color", gegl_color_new ("rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0)"), NULL); GeglNode *mandelbrot = gegl_node_new_child (gegl, "operation", "gegl:fractal-explorer", "shiftx", -256.0, NULL); gegl_node_link_many (mandelbrot, over, crop, display, NULL); gegl_node_connect (text, "output", over, "aux"); /* request that the save node is processed, all dependencies will * be processed as well */ { gint frame; gint frames = 200; for (frame=0; frame<frames; frame++) { gchar string[512]; gdouble t = frame * 1.0/frames; #define INTERPOLATE(min,max) ((max)*(t)+(min)*(1.0-t)) gdouble shiftx = INTERPOLATE(-256.0, -512.0); gdouble shifty = INTERPOLATE(0.0, -256.0); gdouble zoom = INTERPOLATE(300.0, 400.0); gegl_node_set (mandelbrot, "shiftx", shiftx, "shifty", shifty, "zoom", zoom, NULL); g_sprintf (string, "x=%1.3f y=%1.3f z=%1.3f", shiftx, shifty, zoom); gegl_node_set (text, "string", string, NULL); gegl_node_process (display); } } /* free resources used by the graph and the nodes it owns */ g_object_unref (gegl); } /* free resources globally used by GEGL */ gegl_exit (); return 0; }